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Working in Europe, Leaving EuropeResearch funding opportunitiesLithuania

Funding opportunities


There are many different ways to gain funding for your research in Lithuania and abroad.

Find out more on the websites:

  • Research Council of Lithuania
    The Research Council of Lithuania contributes to the science policy formation and is involved in legislative issues of the Lithuanian science and studies system. The main aims of the Council are to seek that the research system would efficiently contribute to the developments of national economy, international co-operation, higher education, and social development.
  • Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA)
    The Agency has a mission to promote Lithuanian science integration into European research area. It administers international programmes such as FP7, EUREKA, EUROSTARS, CIP and is responsible for coordination and observation of some national programmes.
  • The State Studies Foundation
    By administering allocated funding the Foundation implements scientific research and experimental development programmes relevant to the state and initiated by the Foundation, proposed by individual scientists and their groups; gives grants for PhD students actively engaged in scientific research etc. One of the Foundation’s activity fields is post-doctoral fellowship programmes as well.
  • Education Exchanges Support Foundation
    The Foundation is responsible for implementing EU Lifelong Learning Programme and other EU and national programmes and projects within the field of education and training. The Foundation manages one of the most relevant programmes for researchers – Academic Exchanges Programme – state scholarships for students and researchers based on bilateral agreements. .


International funding opportunities

  • The European Research Council (ERC)
    ERC supports researchers of any nationality or age to do fundamental research in any of the 27 EU member states or associated countries.ERC publishes calls for applications from researchers at early, middle and advanced levels of independent research. These last for up to 5 years and are for any research field, including social sciences and the humanities.
  • The Human Frontier Science Programme
    The HFSP supports novel, innovative and interdisciplinary basic research focused on the complex mechanisms of living organisms.A clear emphasis is placed on novel collaborations that bring biologists together with scientists from fields such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, computer science and engineering to open new fields of investigation in the life sciences. Research grants and fellowships are available from the post-doctoral level upwards, for young scientists of any nationality to work in the UK, other EU countries, Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Switzerland or the USA.
  • The NATO Programme for Science for Peace and Security
    The programme offers support for scientific collaboration in the priority research areas of threats to security, including terrorism and other country-specific priorities.

Visit the heading of this portal JOBS & FUNDING and you will be able to search for funding there.